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Role of NGOs in India story
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- Simple and complex problems: In any democratic country, the government (state) is the primary agent that formulates and implements social and economic development programmes. But in modern societies, the problems that people face (especially the poor) are much more complex. This is more true in a country like India where a large number of vulnerable sections are experiencing inequalities at all the levels.
- What is development: It does not only mean economic development but also includes promoting social equality, gender equality, improving quality of life etc. Pure economic growth without social growth has no meaning at all. Governments alone cannot effectively execute complex development activities. Other groups and organizations to support the government on various fronts are needed. This is where civil society comes in, in the form of Non Governmnt organizations (NGOs).
- Who are NGOs: Non-Government organizations (NGOs) are the groups or institutions or organizations that are not reducible to the administrative grasp and work on ‘non-profit’ basis with the principles like social equality, altruism and human development as their foundations. In India at present there are nearly 25,000 NGOs spread across India.
- History: While social service was always a Gandhian principle, the formal registration and formation of NGOs emerged in India from early 1970s. Immediately after their formal inception, NGOs received thrust form the Government in more than one ways. In the Sixth Five year plan the government with its famous "GARIBI HATAO" (remove poverty) slogan recognized their importance. In the Seventh FYP, it gave a task of developing “self-reliance communities” to NGOs for promoting rural development. Later in the Eighth FYP, government sought to promote nationwide network of NGOs. In its Ninth FYP, it envisaged the primary role of in promoting PPPs (public private partnerships) in India. The Tenth FYP envisaged the need and importance of NGOS in developing agricultural sector by promoting awareness among the farmers about various modern farm techniques and government initiatives for their benefit.
- What they do: NGOs work on development activities by taking up specific issues like Poverty alleviation, child rights, caste stigma and discriminations, women rights, child labour, rural development, water and sanitation, environmental issues etc. NGOs have become proactive in the social sector development-education, health etc., playing a crucial role in sending the school dropouts back to the school especially in rural areas thus upholding the Right to education. And also the heath sector development programmes like Leprosy eradication programme and programs on eliminating TB, malaria and improving water and sanitation facilities by NGOs have met with huge success.
- The legal influence: NGOs have influenced governments to bring out various development-oriented policies and laws. Some examples are the Right to Information, Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), MNREGA, various policies on women development, forest and environment development, anti-trafficking, people with disability etc.
- Controversies: Over time, many NGOs in India have come under the red scanner and their functioning have to be seen with suspicion. This is because of loss in credibility and lack of accountability. The recent report of Intelligence bureau (IB) stated that the working of few NGOs in the name of protests against the government activities have become detrimental to the nation development. It also mentioned that the protests of ‘foreign funded NGOs’ led to loss of 2-3% of country’s GDP. It is true that NGOs must raise voice to protect the rights of people and protest but it is also equally important for them to provide the alternatives for the government to ensure development.
- Foreign funding: It is known that several NGOs obtaining funds from the foreign sources for their activities. It is also true that these NGOs played crucial part in protests against setting up coal and thermal project plants and nuclear project which led to power shortages in the respective states. But instead of blocking the foreign funds it may be better for the government to ensure further transparency in categorizing the NGOs based on their funds sources. It would also prove effective if government tightens the scrutiny procedures through Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010.