Useful compilation of Civil Services oriented - Daily Current Affairs - Civil Services - 12-05-2020
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- COVID-19 Updates - Modi asks States to prepare for ramping up economic activity – Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at a video conference with Chief Ministers that the lockdown would continue in some form or the other even after May 17, but that the State governments should send in their plans for ramping up economic activity in green zones between May 15 and 17 for consideration by the Centre. In a marathon meeting that lasted (with a half-an -hour break in between) for nearly six hours, and saw most Chief Ministers speak their mind, Mr. Modi said the imperative was to protect rural areas from the COVID-19 pandemic as these areas were largely untouched at the moment. He also said the movement of migrant labour to their native States should be expedited within the next 10 days.
- COVID-19 Updates - India adds 4,213 cases in highest single-day rise – The country registered its highest spike in COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours with an addition of 4,213 cases, taking the tally to 67,152. An additional 97 deaths were reported, taking the nationwide toll to 2,206. India currently has 44, 029 active cases; 20,916 persons have recovered. According to data from the State Health Departments, the nationwide death toll was 2,295, with 45,932 active cases. The total number of cases stood at 70,768.
- Jammu and Kashmir - SC sets up panel to look into J&K Internet curbs – The Jammu and Kashmir government’s orders do not reveal any reason for making mobile 4G Internet inaccessible across the Union Territory (UT), the Supreme Court said in an order. Besides, the government orders snipping the Internet speed to 2G were meant to operate for only a limited time. The order was based on petitions filed separately by media professionals, school associations and private citizens claiming that lack of access to high-speed Internet in J&K had crippled medical efforts to contain the COVID-19 contagion and pulled the rug under online education and businesses.
- COVID-19 Updates - Migrant exodus chokes Maharashtra-M.P. border – With restive workers desperate to return to U.P. and Bihar, screening and checks take a back seat. On May 9 around 50,000 workers had crossed the border, but by May 10 night, twice that number had entered Madhya Pradesh.
- COVID-19 Updates - Aarogya Setu data protocol norms issued – Data of nearly 13,000 Aarogya Setu App users who have tested positive for COVID-19 have so far been transferred to the server for health intervention, says Ajay Sawhney, Chairman, Empowered Group on Technology and Data Management. He issued an order notifying the Aarogya Setu Data Access and Knowledge Sharing Protocol, 2020, that lays down the guidelines for collection, processing, storage and sharing of “anonymised” data. Stating that Aarogya Setu had contributed immensely to the fight against COVID-19, Mr. Sawhney said privacy protection was the primary consideration while developing the app. It stores an encrypted signature when the user comes in proximity with other registered devices. This interaction information is not pushed to the server unless the user tests positive.
- COVID-19 Updates - Europe emerges from curbs, but Asia fears a second wave – Swathes of Europe began the long process of reopening from coronavirus lockdowns, but the first new infections in weeks at China’s ground zero offered a sobering reminder of the dangers of a second wave of cases. The mixed fortunes illustrate the high-wire act governments face across the globe as they try to get economies moving while keeping in check a pandemic that has now killed more than 2,80,000 people and infected over four million. As France and Spain basked in a relaxation of restrictions and Britain plotted a path to normality, the Chinese city of Wuhan where the pandemic was born reported a second day of new cases after a month without a sign of the virus. Neighbouring South Korea announced its highest number of infections for more than a month driven by a cluster in a Seoul nightlife district.
- COVID-19 Updates/e-NAM - Mandis linked to e-platform see 65% rise in count post-lockdown – COVID-19 has given a boost to e-NAM, the national digital platform for agricultural trade, with the number of connected mandis, or wholesale markets, up 65% since the lockdown, according to Agriculture Ministry data. Only May 11, 177 more mandis joined the platform, taking the total to 962 nationwide, giving farmers and traders another option at a time when transport disruptions and social distancing requirements have made physical mandi trade more difficult. The National Agricultural Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the almost 7,000 existing mandis run by Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC) to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities, with a promise to promote real-time price discovery based on actual supply and demand. It was launched in April 2016 but progress was slow.
- COVID-19 Updates – Railway Services to resume partially from May 12 – Fifteen pair of special trains (thirty trains) shall be operated. These will be addition to the Shramik specials Special trains already running. They will have only airconditioned classes i.e. First, Second & Third AC. Tickets can be booked online only through IRCTC website. Maximum Advance Reservation Period (ARP) will be of 7 days. Passengers will be required to reach the station at-least 90 minutes in advance to facilitate thermal screening. No Linen will be provided inside the train. Only packaged food and hand-sanitisers will be made available. All passengers will be required to wear face masks during the journey.
- COVID-19 Updates – Guiedlines for Aarogya Setu app users – Govt. issued guidelines to be followed for data processing of Aarogya Setu app users. Few clauses added that may lead to imprisonment of persons found guilty of violating certain norms. The new rules prohibit storage of data beyond 180 days and enable individuals to seek deletion of their data from the government's Aarogya Setu related record within 30 days of raising the request. The new norms allow collection of only demographic, contact, self-assessment and location data of persons infected by the coronavirus or those who come in contact with the infected person.
- BPRD (Bureau of Police Research and Development) publishes step-by-step guide for law enforcement agencies to identify “fake news” and videos.
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- 1. CONSTITUTION AND LAW (Prelims, GS Paper 2, Essay paper)
- Though the BCI usually does not interfere in affairs of the SCBA, or any Bar Association, the situation has left many members distressed and dismayed, stated the Resolution.
- Reminding the SCBA that such an incident would have a far-reaching effect on the working of Bar Associations across the country, the unanimous Resolution was stated to be passed with the aim to maintain dignity and decorum of the institution.
- It has also been stated that if the Resolution of May 8 is allowed to continue, it was cause irretrievable damage to a lawfully elected office bearer of SCBA.
- Soon after Mr Arora was suspended as the Secretary of SCBA on May 8, he made a representation and questioned certain actions of the President, Mr. Dushyant Dave as well as those of the Executive Committee.
- His representation was discussed by the BCI in a meeting earlier today, May 11.
- Since the Chairman of BCI, Mr. Manan Kumar Mishra, is a voting member of the SCBA, he did not participate in this discussion, which was presided over by the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Satish A. Deshmukh.
- The Council expressed that they were 'extremely sorry and baffled' with the events that took place on May 8 wherein the EC of SCBA took several decisions, including the one to suspend Mr. Arora. Alluding to this action as vindictive, the suspension was called be "illegal, cavalier, undemocratic and autocratic" by the Council.
- The BCI further believed that their intervention was required because rules and procedures, as well as democratic values of the Bar had been flouted and needed to be set right.
- Asserting that the SCBA belongs to all its members and not just a select few, the Council also directed Mr. Arora to convene a General Body Meeting within 2 weeks after normal functioning of Supreme Court resumes after the lockdown.
- Thus, it has been resolved that Ashok Arora will discharge all his functions as the Secretary, with immediate effect.
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- 2. ECONOMY (Prelims, GS Paper 3, Essay paper
- Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar 2020 launched integration of 117 additional wholesale mandis (APMC mandis) with the electronic National Agriculture Market (eNAM) platform, taking the total number of online mandis to 962 across the country.
- e-NAM platform provides a distant bidding facility for wholesale produce in APMC (Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee) mandis without physical presence of buyer/trader near the auction site for bidding.
2.2 Odisha and MP ups working hours in industries and commercial activities to 12; staff to be paid for overtime.
2.3 ‘Matka King’ Ratan Khatri dies at the age of 88 in Mumbai. Matka involved betting on the opening and closing rates of cotton released by New York Cotton Exchange.
2.3 ‘Matka King’ Ratan Khatri dies at the age of 88 in Mumbai. Matka involved betting on the opening and closing rates of cotton released by New York Cotton Exchange.
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- 3. ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY (Prelims, GS Paper 3, Essay paper)
- 3. ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY (Prelims, GS Paper 3, Essay paper)
3.1 Number of Tigers in the Indian Sunderbans in 2019-20 rose to 96, from 88 in 2018-19 - West Bengal Forest Department
- The increase in the number by eight is significant as it is the highest annual jump.
- Indian Sundarbans is a vast contiguous mangrove forest ecosystem in the coastal region of Bay of Bengal spread over India and Bangladesh on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers.
- They are called so because there are many Sundari trees found in that region.
- It is the only mangrove forest in the world inhabited by tigers.
- It constitute over 60% of the country’s total mangrove forest area.
- It has been recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 and ‘Wetland of International Importance’ under the Ramsar Convention in January, 2019.
- It is home to rare and globally threatened species, such as the Northern River Terrapin, Royal Bengal Tiger, Irrawaddy Dolphin, and the Fishing Cat.
- Estimation of the number of tigers in the Sunderbans is difficult because of the terrain that comprises dense mangrove forests, with creeks and rivulets, and floods twice a day during the high tides.
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- 4. FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Prelims, GS Paper 2, Essay paper)
- 4. FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Prelims, GS Paper 2, Essay paper)
4.1 Commemorative postage stamp on 40th anniversary of eradication of smallpox
- WHO, UN postal agency release commemorative postage stamp on 40th anniversary of eradication of smallpox on May 9.
- Smallpox is the first and only disease to be permanently eradicated worldwide.
- Until it was wiped out, smallpox had plagued humanity for at least 3 000 years, killing 300 million people in the 20th century alone, that is 4 million people annually.
- In 1967, WHO launched the 10‐year Intensified Smallpox Eradication Programme to concentrate on endemic countries. Efforts included surveillance, case finding, contact tracing, ring vaccination and communication campaigns to better inform affected populations. Numerous countries, such as Guinea, India, Nigeria, Philippines, Togo and others issued smallpox stamps to raise awareness about the eradication programme.
- By 1973, the number of countries with smallpox had declined. The last variola major infection was recorded in Bangladesh in October 1975, and the last variola minor infection occurred two years later in Merka, Somalia on 26 October 1977.
- On 9 December 1979, the members of the Global Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication signed their names to the statement that “smallpox has been eradicated from the world.
- The total cost of the Smallpox Eradication Programme was estimated at US$ 300 million. But the saving to the global economy is estimated at US$ 1bn a year.
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- 5. GOVERNMENT SCHEMES (Prelims, GS Paper 2, GS Paper 3)
- Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ launches Central University of Odisha Helpline “Bharosa” on Cognitive Emotional Rehabilitation Services for University Students of Odisha.
- Central University of Odisha (CUO), formerly Central University of Orissa, was established by parliament under the Central Universities Act, 2009 (No. 3C of 2009) by Government of India, situated at Sunabeda Town, Koraput District in the Indian state of Odisha. The territorial jurisdiction of the Central University of Orissa is the whole of the Odisha.
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- 6. MISCELLANEOUS (Prelims, Various GS Papers)
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- 7. POLITY (Prelims, GS Paper 2)
- People can lodge FIR by calling at Dial 100 vehicle.
- Now people would not be required to visit police station to lodge an FIR.
- ‘FIR Aapke Dwar’ scheme has been started as a pilot project in 23 Police Stations including one urban and one rural Police Station at 11 Divisional Headquarters.Director General of Police Vivek Johari informed that Dial 100 vehicle would have trained Head Constables to lodge FIR.
- FIRs in complaints of general nature will be lodged on the spot. In case of serious complaints, guidance will be sought from senior officers.
- The Minister also launched helpline ‘Dial 112’ on the occasion, to facilitate immediate availability of ambulance, police and fire fighting services wherever needed.
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- 8. SOCIAL ISSUES (Prelims, GS Paper 1, GS Paper 2)
- 8. SOCIAL ISSUES (Prelims, GS Paper 1, GS Paper 2)
8.1 World Thalassemia Day observed on May 8
- Theme: ‘The dawning of a new era for thalassaemia: Time for a global effort to make novel therapies accessible and affordable to patients’.
- Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to have less hemoglobin than normal. Hemoglobin enables red blood cells to carry oxygen.
- Thalassemia can cause anemia, leaving you fatigued.
- Mild thalassemia may not need treatment.
- More severe forms may require regular blood transfusions.
- You can take steps to cope with fatigue, such as choosing a healthy diet and exercising regularly.
- 2018 Theme - Thalassaemia past, present and future: Documenting progress and patients’ needs worldwide.
- 2017 Theme - Get connected! Share knowledge and experience and fight for a better tomorrow in thalassaemia
- 2016 Theme - Access to Safe & Effective Drugs in Thalassaemia
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- 9. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Prelims, GS Paper 3)
9.1 National Technology Day celebrated on May 11
- On this day 3 nuclear tests were conducted at Pokhran, Rajasthan in 1998. India successfully test-fired its Shakti-1 nuclear missile in operation called Pokhran-II, also codenamed as Operation Shakti.
- This was the second test which was conducted after Pokhran-I codenamed Operation Smiling Buddha, in May 1974. On the same day, India performed a successful test firing of the Trishul Missile (surface to air short range missile) and had test flown the first indigenous aircraft – ‘Hansa – 3’.
- The day which was first observed in 1999.
- It aims to commemorate the scientific and technological achievements of Indian scientists, engineers.
- The day was named by the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
- Every year, the Technology Development Board of India (a statutory body under the Ministry of Science and Technology) celebrates the day by awarding individuals with National Award for their contribution to science and technology in India.
- The focus this year is ‘Rebooting the economy through Science and Technology.’
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- UNCTAD launched the report titled ‘From the Great Lockdown to the Great Meltdown’ in April 2020.
- Well known musician Padma Shri awardee Shanti Hiranand Chawla passed away in Gurgaon recently at the age of 87.
- MHRD AICTE COVID-19 Student Helpline Portal was launched by AICTE in March 2020 to provide help and support to students facing difficulties due to closure of colleges and hostels.
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination was observed on March 21.
- Sumit Nagal, Leander Paes, Rohan Bopanna, Prajnesh Gunneswaran & Ramkumar Ramanathan played matches for India in Davis Cup tennis qualifier tie against Croatia in March 2020.
10.3 Today's best editorials to read
- We offer you 7 excellent editorials from across 10 newspapers we have scanned.
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- SECTION 3 - MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)